Hello IA Family!!
What a great start to the 2011-2012 concert season. We have had some amazing performances this season ending with our Choir and Symphony performance on Dec. 8th. Each of our musicians have worked very hard this half of the season to make great music for our audience and both Mr. Ash and myself are very proud of each and every one.
Thank you to our donors that believe in our mission of creating a World Class Music program for our World Class School! Your financial support help us to provide extra services for our students to put them on a level playing field with our surrounding schools.
Thank you to the universal support and energy provided by the Music Booster board! From Lisa to Diego, this board has made things happen year to year! Thank you to our newest members from Kim to Shelia for your energy and dedication, you inspire us all!
But mostly thank you to the kids. They do the hard work from day to day and hour to hour to make people smile. They awaken the ears of the audience members and evoke the emotions that are in each of us each time they take the stage.
So from Rob and I, thank you. 2011 has been a great year and 2012 will be even better.
Thank you,
Scott Wolf
Orchestra Director
The next Music Boosters meeting will take place Tuesday, January 3rd, 2012, 7:00 pm.
We meet monthly and work with Mr. Wolf and Mr. Ash to support and enhance our music program.
No commitment necessary. Please join us! If you have any questions, please email Lisa Martin at madformaui@comcast.net.
Happy Holidays!