IA Central Campus Music Boosters Inc.
Meeting Minutes
December 6, 2011
Signed Attendance: Lisa Martin, Rob Ash, Lisa Yufit, Shelia Horton, Emilia Askari, Diego Zimmerman, Tricia Meade, Cindy Gibbs, Anushia Balendran, Rae Hawkins, Mary Griffin, Kim Hale, Evelyn Pickwick, Scott Wolf, Steve Smith, Yi-Jen Hung, Michael Cher
Meeting called to order by Lisa Martin at 7:00.
Minutes approved last month. Evelyn moved to approve, Mary seconded. Motion passed.
Directors report given by Rob Ash. December 14th is due date for applications for Vocal Solo and Ensemble. 20 events this year versus 2 last year. January 7th is U of M Vocal Day. Parents welcome to attend. 7 students performed in District Musical Theater Solo and Ensemble. All excellent and superior ratings. Rob states that private lessons are paying off.
Scott Wolf reported that 100 kids are entered in Instrumental Solo and Ensemble. Process for Youth Arts Festival goes through district, then state first.
Evelyn Pickwick submitted Treasurer’s report, $1775 in donations received since Friday. $11,640 toward fundraising goal for the year. She received a request from the IRS for an annual filing and will follow up with the accountant. Diego moved we approve. Cindy seconded. Approval was unanimous.
Old business – IFAF made $67.90. Leftover pop will go to students at fundraising call center.
Mary reported on banquet. Price is to be $17.00. It will be publicized in the PTIA newsletter and in the program. Forms are outside main office. Anushia volunteered to manage the banquet next year.
New Business
Evelyn moved that Board add Shelia Horton as member at large. Lisa Yufit seconded. Roll call vote as taken. Cindy, Diego, Lisa Martin, Tricia, Evelyn, Yi-Jen, Lisa Yufit, all voted yes. No nays. Motion passed.
Evelyn moved that Kim Hale be nominated vice-president. Roll call vote was taken with members as listed above and new member Shelia Horton all voting yes. No nays, motion passed.
Budget was discussed for hospitality. Cindy moved we set $1000 hospitality budget for the school year. Roll call vote with board members present as listed above. All yes, no nays, motion passed.
This week’s concert volunteers will be Lisa Martin, Tricia Meade, Diego Zimmerman, Shelia Horton, Kim Hale, Anushia Balendran and Yi-Jen Hung.
Kim Hale presented on program fundraising. Diego moved that the board approve the sale of advertising in the programs. Cindy Gibbs seconded. Rates as follows: business card – $25, 1/4 page – $40,1/2 page – $75, full page – $125. Roll call vote will all members voting as outlined above. Motion passed with all yes, no nays.
Shelia moved and Lisa Yufit seconded that we vote on Kim’s proposed volume discounts for multiple ads as follows – 4 programs – 20%, 3 programs – 15%, 2 programs – 10%. 10% discount for ads sold for the 2 concerts remaining in this year. Roll call vote taken as above with all board members voting yes, no nays. Motion passed.
Tricia proposed a $50.00 budget for pizza for the calling program. Roll call vote. All board members voted yes, no nays, motion passed.
Kim will create an ad sales flyer for the concert tables.
Gina Homant will be the newsletter volunteer.
Diego volunteered to research bulk mailing rates.
Board brainstormed how to best use email addresses. No decision made and idea to be discussed further at a subsequent meeting.
Rob alerted the board that he will have more students switching instruments and will request lesson funds at a future meeting.
Rob presented logo rough drafts. Attendees voted for option 2 – a round phoenix with “International Academy Music” verbiage encircling it. He is hoping to have it finished as a donation from an artist. Board discussed donating ad space in program as a thank you to the artist. No motion was made.
Anushia moved to adjourn at 9:15. Cindy seconded. Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Tricia Meade