What a fantastic afternoon of music making for the IA Instrumental Ensembles! Yesterday at Waterford Kettering High School, the IA Bands and Orchestras took to the festival stage for the District 4 MSBOA B&O Festival.

Each group performed to our highest standard and were rewarded with a great reception! The first group to take the stage was the String Orchestra who performed extraordinary musically and received a Division 1 rating, with a perfect concert score of straight 1s from the three judge panel! Then the Concert band took the stage right after and impressed the adjudicators and was awarded a Division 2 rating!! Right before lunch the Symphony Orchestra took the stage and amazed the audience with an incredibly musical performance and also received a Division 1 rating with another perfect panel rating! The last group from IA to perform was the Symphonic Band and with an incredibly powerful performance received another Division 1 rating! BRAVO to the great teamwork of all our individual musicians!

A great day by all! Thank you to all the parent chaperones including Ms. Schultz (IA German Teacher) and Ms. Rabinowitz (IA Graduate Assistant) that joined us on this great day! And thank you to Panera Bread who supplied our hunger ensembles with bagels to make it through the morning!! And as always thank you to the Music Boosters who helped to supply lunch and drinks to keep our fantastic musicians going through this very taxing day. Thank you to all our IA teachers and administration who continue to support the IA Music program!