Dear Music Families,
We hope that this letter finds you making the most of our Michigan summer. The final concerts of the spring seem like they were just last week, but the new school year will be here before we know it. The IACCMB looks forward to another year of enlightening music education and engaging musical performances.
We invite you to join us for our first Music Boosters meeting of the year on Wednesday, August 21 at 7 PM in the IA Media Center. Boosters meetings are a great window into not only the music program, but the school as a whole. Music Night 2019 will be Wednesday, August 28, 2019; this is when the Music Boosters will be distributing uniforms. All students in choir, band, and orchestra need a uniform. The girls’ uniform is a long black dress which is available for purchase on Music Night. If your daughter already has a dress from previous years, she can continue to wear it. Girls only need to attend if they are new to the school or need a new size. The boys’ uniform, a black tuxedo, is rented annually from the Music Boosters’ stock, with the white wing-collared shirt and black bow tie available for purchase on Music Night. All boys pay the dry cleaning cost of $20 each year and new students will pay the deposit for the tuxedo. You may pay by cash, check or credit card. Further details on cost will be distributed prior to the event.
Please consider supporting the Music Boosters and return the form on the back of this letter. The IA Music Program is world-class and can only remain so with the support of parents. Each year we provide funds for new instruments and scores for all the ensembles, produce the programs for the concerts, and underwrite music master classes. The Music Boosters organize the uniforms for all the IA Musicians and feed the students both after concerts and at the competitions they attend. We hold a Banquet for all IA Musicians and their families in February where we hope to see many of you. It is one of the highlights of the school calendar!
We estimate that we need an average of $150 per family to maintain the support needed by the IA Music Program, but we also need practical help. If you would like to get involved as a Board Member we would be delighted; there is a role for anyone willing to help. We really encourage you to get involved, if your students are into music it is a fun way to meet other parents and find out what is going on!
Please feel free to contact me if you would like to become involved, or if you would like more information about the Music Boosters. All the best for the rest of the summer! I hope to see you at our first Music Boosters meeting in August. Our meetings are usually the first Wednesday of the month at 7 P.M.
Carol Hart
IA Central Music Boosters President 2019-2020